How to duplicate the template?


What’s This Template?

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This is a Growth Marketing Experiment Template. It helps you create hypotheses, run experiments, analyze results, and iterate to optimize your marketing efforts.

⚠️ At the bottom of the main page, you’ll find the main board. Please do not delete that board, as it serves as the source for all the different views (Backlog, Planned, Running, and Finished). These views are simply filtered by their respective statuses and depend on the main board to function properly.


What does this template include?

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Experiment Board: A table containing all your experiment details, like ideas, hypotheses, and ICE scores. Don't delete this—it's the main data source for other boards, which filter experiments by status to keep things organized.


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Backlog: A place to list and rank ideas, ensuring high-potential experiments are prioritized.


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Planned Experiments: Organize experiments into sprints (e.g., 2+ weeks).


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Running Experiments: Track active experiments, adding updates or statuses as needed.


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Ended Experiments: Review completed experiments and determine their success.


How to Use it?

  1. Rank Your Ideas:
  1. Plan:
  1. Execute:
  1. Review results: